Spell Candles
Spell Candles
This offering is for one 4 inch spell candle in the color of your choosing.
✨Purple aligns with the third eye and crown chakras and is associated with intellect, intuition and psychic awareness.
✨Blue aligns with the throat chakra and is associated with clear communication, calm, and flow.
✨Green aligns with the heart chakra and is associated with mother nature, earth energies, abundance and prosperity.
✨Yellow aligns with the solar plexus chakra and is associated with the sun, warmth, light, and positive energy.
✨Orange aligns with the sacral chakra and is associated with courage, sexual energy, and freedom.
✨Red aligns with the root chakra and is associated with grounding, instincts, survival, and desire.
✨Black candles are good for new moon rituals and protection spells.
✨White candles can be used for any spell or ritual and can take on the energy of any color.